What is this you ask? Well, let us explain. Many of you will remember the Masterclass Intensive Workshop that was taught in April by Daniel. We received such positive feedback on the workshop that we have developed a new Masterclass Intensive, Guest Artist and Specialty Workshop curriculum. These classes will be scheduled on a monthly basis throughout the course of the year. Each class will focus on a specialized topic and a targeted area of dance. Through this new program, we aim to elevate our students learning and dance ability. Some of the classes will be specific to the youth program and some the adult program. However, most of the planned workshops will be designed to accommodate all Top Hat students. Read below for a description of each category of classes as well as the schedule for 2020!
Masterclass Intensive
Top Hat instructors have the honor of being invited to studios and dance events around the country to teach intensive workshop weekends. The question was posed to us, “why not have an intensive workshop at Top Hat?” Hence, the catalyst for this program. The Masterclass Intensive series will be workshops taught by one of Top Hat’s in-house instructors and will occur at 3 intervals throughout the year. The format of the class will be a progressive workshop increasing in difficulty as the workshop develops. The workshop will be divided into three segments or time slots: 2:00 - 3:30 pm; Break; 4:00 - 5:30 pm; Break; 6:00 - 7:00 pm.
Guest Artist Workshop
The Guest Artist Workshops will be taught by instructors that we invite into the studio, similar to the Salsa workshops with Edwin and Ahtoy that we hosted in September. These workshops are designed to give the students training and a perspective of dance from someone outside of the studio. As reminiscent from our childhood or to anyone who has children…a child (student) will usually accept suggestions, teaching and feedback much better from an outsider than they do from their own parent (teacher.) Even though said person has presented the identical information before. Hum? We look forward to inviting all of the Guest Artists to Top Hat.
Specialty Workshop
Think of the Specialty Workshop as a mini-workshop designed to target a specific area of dance, for example, spotting, conditioning, etc. These classes will be scheduled periodically throughout the year to coincide with various happenings of the year. There will be a class for the youth students at 4:30 pm with the class for the adult students immediately following at 5:30 pm.
2020 Schedule
Workshop Type: Specialty Workshop
Date: January 11, 2020
Time: 4:30 for Youth Students; 5:30 for Adult Students
Taught by: Beth Grutzmacher
Topic: Body Conditioning and Core Strength Training
Cost: $20.00 per person
Workshop Type: Masterclass Intensive
Date: January 25, 2020
Time: 2:00 - 3:00 pm; Break; 3:30 - 5:00 pm; Break; 5:30 - 7:00 pm (For Adult Students Only)
Taught by: Jameson Kilburn
Topic: Musicality and Music Theory
Cost: $60.00 per person for all three workshops or $25.00 per workshop.
Workshop Type: Guest Artist Workshop
Date: March 28, 2020
Time: 4:00-5:30 Youth students, 5:45-7:15 Adult students
Taught by: Lee Slobotkin
Topic: Performance Technique and Stage Presence
Cost: $25.00 per person
Workshop Type: Specialty Workshop
Date: April 18, 2020
Time: 4:30 for Youth Students; 5:30 for Adult Students
Taught by: Beth Grutzmacher
Topic: Body Conditioning and Core Strength Training
Cost: $20.00 per person
Workshop Type: Masterclass Intensive
Date: May 2, 2020
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm; Break; 4:00 - 5:30 pm; Break; 6:00 - 7:00 pm (For Adult Students Only)
Taught by: TBA
Topic: TBA
Cost: $60.00 per person for all three workshops or $25.00 per workshop.
No workshop this month. Spring Showcase
Workshop Type: Masterclass Intensive
Date: TBA
Time: 2:00 - 3:30 pm; Break; 4:00 - 5:30 pm; Break; 6:00 - 7:00 pm (For Adult Students Only)
Taught by: TBA
Topic: TBA
Cost: $60.00 per person for all three workshops or $25.00 per workshop.